
Monday, April 26, 2010

Avatar Blueray Review ( FUCK YOU JIM)

I was supposed to do this on thursday when I bought the movie but to be honest I was too lazy, so now that I'm getting to it I want to start by saying Avatar was a great movie I think its a little over rated but still a good movie. The Blue-ray on the other hand is a testament to GREED. I bought the movie for 22.99 plus tax at "Best Buy" and after I bought it I was looking at the back and I noticed they didn't list any special features... I thought "wait this is either done like this for ascetic reasons or this blueray actually doesn't have one special feature." I even took off the card stock sleeve and checked the plastic case itself but no not one special feature. I wouldn't be so pissed if this was a movie from the 80's or even the 90's hell if I was buying Throw Mama From The Train I wouldn't give two shits but this is Avatar. This movie made an estimated $2,713,395,000  worldwide and we don't get ONE special feature its a crime. I used to love Jim Camron for making great action packed movies but now I think he's a money grubbing cheap whore. I mean how greedy is that he makes that much money and he makes a bullshit blueray release  just so he can get more money and in the future Camron's going to release another version of the film in theaters with more footage, and after that he's going to rerelease the Blueray with the new footage and the special features, and if that wasn't enough there is the ultimate 3D version of the movie where you have to buy a new TV and blueray 3D player to watch it. Camron is a GREEDY piece of shit his ex wife's movie was ten times better and more deserving of the money than his unoriginal Avatar money maker. Oh yeah and I forgot Camron is also planning a sequel.... I wonder why.

1 comment:

  1. This is common knowledge about the Earth Day version lacking additional features.

    Amazon has it for $16.99 BTW
